Thursday, 16 May 2019

Marry That Girl!

Candid Advice To A Younger Brother On The Brink Of Success

A few nights ago myself and a younger friend/budding film director found ourselves listening to a podcast from Joe Rogan as he and his guest discussed the comedy business and how many men and even women have been involved in sex scandals over the last few years: resulting in job loss. And I couldn’t help but thank God for all of the doors he's closed on me, how many opportunities I Myself declined and the fact that I’m finally in a committed relationship: looking to marriage. Because quite frankly the man I was 10 years ago would be absolutely DEVOURED by the industry. I simply didn’t have the maturity to withstand the temptation, fame, and money. I would probably have a million ex girlfriends, unexpected children; be lost, insecure, bankrupt by 30, God only knows what else. I imagine I would want to settle down with a woman around this time but would not have a clue who to trust.

So if I were able to make our conversation public It would go a little something like this: “RUN!!! DON’T DO IT" wait until you’re older and see if you still want it”

But of course you are a young man who is bent on going into the industry at such a young age and chasing fame. So instead I’ll say: "You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Hollywood stars are lonely. Fame and worship are not meant for human beings."

We all know what Hollywood’s like, we’ve heard all the child star stories (they don’t end well) and now people are losing their lives (their livelihoods) and quite literally their lives to women who are promiscuous, money hungry and honestly: some men are not holding themselves accountable and are finding themselves in positions where they are legitimately attacking or being accused of attacking girls, resulting in prison (and rightly so).

So again IF you have to follow your dreams to Hollywood: ‘Marry. That. Girl.’ or/& love the one you’re with. Don’t get to a place where you need real people around you but the only real person you had (Your Wife) is now gone!

Who’s “that Girl” you ask?
Whoever your parents hoped you’d marry, whoever your family and friends love.
Every man has that girl in their life. The one that has been recommended by family and all your friends are like “dude why are you guys not together?” 

She’s the good version of the model you’ve been stalking on Instagram, the opposite to the girl you’ve been pursuing with the “thick” body and bad attitude. The one that would be amazing for you; she’s patient and will challenge you, and the only reason you’re not with her is because you don’t recognise what love really is.
Because that’s the good girl, whoever she is in your life: marry her now! and stay faithful, it’s not worth the so called “fun“

Or maybe you just have this insatiable drive to have sex with as many women as you can before you settle down. You want to take advantage of your opportunities because that’s now going to make you whole and satisfied. In fact with your new found swag, looks, money and even status you’re now going to get payback for all the girls that didn’t want to sleep with you in high school?
It doesn’t work my dude, we’ve seen celebs talk about it and I’ve seen dudes try.
I’ve seen guys literally say “I’ve had my fair share of women, and now I’m ready to settle down” But now they STRUGGLE to settle down. I mean they got married because of loneliness so they do appreciate their wives; they may even have kids: but theyre not monogamous. Not mentally. They spend all day days stalking hot girls online and try to  relive moments vicariously through their single friends. Because whatever you do not manage now, will manifest later. "There are no shortcuts to success and success means peace." (Devon Franklin interview) They’re not satisfied dude because something that they should’ve put a cap on, they didn’t (and we can’t be satisfied until we master our lusts);
Take note of this quote:

“To love one woman is to have loved them all, to love many is to have never loved at all”

A real relationship is challenging dude, to love one woman is challenging, it’s a journey and it will make you the best human being you can ever be; patient, caring, understanding, hardworking, a scholar of your woman.
And That’s why Steve Harvey says you can be a successful man without a woman but you cannot be a GREAT MAN without a woman. And the successful man is the man who made all the money, had sex with all the girls and is now empty and struggling to stay in a monogamous relationship. And is now possibly losing all of his success because he couldn’t keep it in his pants or he couldn’t take responsibility; or he found himself able to be accused of something because of his promiscuous reputation.
I’m just telling the truth man some celebs, millionaires business men are such a target because they slept with everyone. Now who’s gonna not believe it when the accuser says X was with them the other night..? Not their wife. (Well hopefully their wife but it’s not a given)

“The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.” Proverbs‬ ‭18:22‬ ‭NLT

Here’s the truth. That song: ‘I’m every woman’... it’s real. 
One GOOD woman represents them all. In the words of the great Steve Harvey’s “it all feels the same” Honest men will tell you the defining factor is whether you love the woman or not, how beautiful and amazing the woman’s face and body is has no bearing on how good the sex is.
Listen young blud. Man to man: I just don’t think having money, fame, the public eye, influence & responsibility is the time to go on the ego trip: having sex with lots of Women. (that’s when you have EVERYTHING to lose)

As Joyce Meyer said:
Your Gift Will Take You where Your Character Can't Hold You

Let’s do the work, let’s become the men we dreamed of, the men with flaws and insecurities we own up to and pursue to correct, and let’s enjoy that building process. Let’s not give in to the vein lusts paraded on TV (and social media of course)

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