Thursday, 4 April 2019

Did Bob Myers’ drunken blunder single handedly put an end to the Warriors reign?

Growing up in Brighton, England since my teens I’ve often met with intrigue and often concern when I refuse an alcoholic beverage on nights out. My response nearly always gets met with the assumption that I drove to the event. If at that point I reply back with “No I actually don’t drink alcohol” that’s when the intrigue from others sets in and I am forced to really question why I’ve never been drawn to alcohol. (Besides the obvious point that it’s not great for my body)
I remember before my parents ever attended church: myself and my older sister’s (BisaNation) Saturday night would consist of eating jolloff rice, watching Blind Date and Catchphrase followed by being taken to a fun party in london every Saturday night without fail. 
And once my parents became born again Christians we ended up worshipping at a predominantly Ghanaian Pentecostal church with; LOUD music, loud instruments, food, anointing and amazing energy. And within these two cultures there never seemed to be a need for alcohol. 
Especially as I gained more responsibility with the church youth and came across this statement in the bible:

“Alcohol is NOT for Kings” i.e. those with responsibilities

I remember coming across this interesting and clearly accurate bible scripture where Solomon (the richest and wisest man to Ever live) was being advised by his mother At a very young age saying:

“It is not for kings, O Lemuel, to guzzle wine. Rulers should not crave alcohol.”
‭‭“For if they drink, they may forget the law and not give justice to the oppressed.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:4-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And That’s why WHEN Kevin Durant leaves; it will be because Golden State GM Bob Myers BLEW iT!

I’m not sure if he will leave in 2020, but if he does; it won’t be just because Draymond Green called him a B!t@h on international Television On 13 NOVEMBER, 2018 in a loss to the LA Clippers. Watch Here

Oh No No No on the contrary: What Draymond called him was just the icing on a slow oven cooked well risen cake. But the egg, milk and self raising flour was in the making way before November when Bob Myers decided to ‘stir the pot’, back in 11th June 2018, at the Golden State Warriors Championship Parade that Durant was very much a part of: when he highlighted the fact that Kevin Durant can NEVER fully be seen as an indigenous part of the GSW.

At the celebration Myers responded to the host on stage whilst talking about Durants upcoming salary negotiations saying “No that’s different” (speaking about Steph Curry) “he was here in the way before days, he’s earned it” therefore implying what EVERYONE else at the time was implying: That whatever good Kevin Durant does, whatever greatness he shows on the court: He essentially just jumped onto an already winning team.

Watch Here

Now just for the record this was never my thoughts on the matter. Durant can go where he wants. And frankly if I’m going to be completely honest: The league changed with Lebron’s move to Miami. When the Aspiring ‘G.O.A.T’ (and greatest player in the league at that time) went to play with:

Chris Bosh (Already an All Star player, Franchise Player)

Dwayne Wade (Already A CHAMPION, FINALS MVP, HOF, and rated as THE 3rd best SG in NBA history after Jordan and Kobe.

Ray Allen (Already an All Star player, CHAMPION, one of the TOP 2 Three point shooters in NBA history

   It opened a flood gate and changed the expectation of Top players. A league will ALWAYS follow the best player. Whereas Durant has never claimed to be the G.O.A.T, he’s even stated that he doesn’t want to be a leader. So in my eyes he is free from the GOAT debate and has less expected of him. He can follow, lead, or play anywhere he wants; and time will ultimately tell where Kevin Durant is on the all-time list.

But for this to come out of Bob Myers mouth at this time was probably the most humiliating and ostracising thing that he could’ve done. There was no turning back from that.

I know Kevin Durant was thinking... “I gave you everything guys, I trusted you and you humiliated me and turned your back on me in front of the whole nation.” That moment probably altered his whole perspective.
Watch Will Cain Talking about it:

Now after watching that if you still don’t think this is a big deal let’s get some perspective here: If you follow the NBA trades you have no doubt heard about the abuse Kevin Durant took once his decision to leave The Oklahoma Thunder became public: resulting in Durant locking himself in his house all summer. He said It was the first move that he had to make by his own decisions as a man and the first time that he’d been hated. So If you have any people pleasing issues (and most of us do) then you can only imagine what it feels like for anyone, to have to step into independence on the worldwide stage.

Now Bob listen; In Kevin Durant you have a mega superstar, potentially the best player in the game, who happens to be very humble and not domineering, who actually will be ‘The man’ if you want him to be in the 4th quarter. And you blew it because he wanted to get drunk and play with the other boys. Bob Myers made it very clear in this statement what he really thought (even in jest) I guess he thinks Durant is a sell out and a glory hunter.

Bob Myers May not have won “Donkey Of The day” BUT I think this is exactly why the good book says “Alcohol Is Not For Kings”

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